Saturday, September 29, 2012

Playful Saturday in Granby

Just thought I'd share some of the pictures from today. It was perfect weather so decided to take a walk with the pups on the Fraser to Granby trail. Which as you can see below my golden boy was pretty happy about. Is there anything better that a smiling puppy dog? haha There are still lots of changing aspens to be found, which makes me excited for tomorrow's Run the Ranches trail run. Its my first so I'm super excited and a little nervous, should be lots of fun.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Don't Pass on Kenosha in the Fall

On a gorgeous September Sunday, I got to hang out with my amazingly talented fellow photo-enthusiastic cousin. We decided to do a fall color tour and picked Kenosha pass as our target. It proved to be a popular choice as there were a ton of people showing up with the same idea. I'm a huge fan of Colorado in autumn. Its one of my favorite things about this beautiful state that I call home. Here's some highlights of what we found wandering around.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Fabulous Five-Year Photo Shoot

Fabulous...that's the word that comes to mind with this photo shoot. I've been taking Lil Miss's photos since she was 2, and never fails to deliver. She is such a natural in front of the camera that it makes what I do a walk in the park. She's truly a joy to capture, and I have to give her mom mad props as well for her creativity and vision. Here's just a few I got of her.

The headbands were found on Etsy designed by London Raquel

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Falling in Love All Over

Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns. 
-- George Eliot

It's hard to believe that it's already been two years since I walked down a mountain path toward my future, and all I can say it that I can't help but fall in love all over again with not only my wonderful husband, but this place that has been like a second home to us.  I feel so unbelievably blessed that we not only got to celebrate our new life in such a beautiful place, but that we were fortunate enough to have a day much like this one was. The crisp autumn breeze made the sunlight dance off the golden aspen leaves.

As the leaves change and fall, I find myself feeling nostalgic and embracing the changes that I am making in my own life.  I hope that you'll have time to take in the wonder that is the season. Take care!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Rocky Mountain Hi

The hubs and I decided to make use of our national parks pass this weekend and did a last minute drive up trailridge road in RMNP. Beings that it had been record heat in Denver I dressed in my sanuks not fully prepared for the sudden chill when we decided to walk hike along the trail on top.  In other words we kept it short and quick.  Well not only was I not prepared for the weather, but we also got lucky on the wildlife viewing front.  Make our way to the exit not only did we spot a moose, but a herd of elk with a nicely racked bull bugling and keeping everyone in line. It was absolutely incredible to witness. I was definitely happy to not only be there, but pumped that I happened to have my camera as well.