So this Christmas like many past Christmas's have been spent up north in Montana. We headed off in to the wild blue yonder hoping to escape a blue Christmas, but alas this is what part of our drive up ended up looking like.
I was slightly upset and felt like I was missing an arm the entire trip. Since in the hectic packing process my camera managed to not make it into the car. I didn't let it get me down though instead I used my trusty iPhone as a back up plan, which still managed to get some decent shots.
This time of year you can help get in the spirit. Even the elk got to sport some hot pepper lights to be a bit more festive.
Now that's what I call a good morning! Coffee and Bailey's
Santa in the house
Of course there's some love for the MSU Bobcats.
MMMMMM....cookies...nuff said
Keyla's all time favorite toy, a stuffed cow that moo's jingle bells. It can hidden away and every year she manages to come prancing out with it.
Her other favorite is a no stuffing fox.
Keyla scouting from the back seat determined to find the missing cow.
Bella waiting patiently to be released so she can round up some cows.
For such a small dog she definitely doesn't let that stop her tenacious nature and is fearless when taking on large animals. A natural leader you can see her up ahead while Joe and Jason stopped to check out some tracks.
Animal track in the snow.
After a hard day at the ranch Bella managed to sneak in a nap.


It turned out to be a very fun and relaxing Christmas. As you can see I wasn't the only one who thought so. Champ found a comfy spot to chill out and soak it all in.
So to this I say Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!